2011年11月25日 星期五

2011年12月古蹟周遊樂 Heritage Fiesta December 2011



有關2011年國際文物保育研討會及「2011年12月古蹟周遊樂」的詳情,請參閱附件宣傳單張及瀏覽網頁www.heritageconference2011.hk 或致電文物保育專員辦事處(電話:2848 6230)。

To tie in with the International Conference on Heritage Conservation 2011 to be held in Hong Kong on December 12 and 13, the Commissioner for Heritage's Office of the Development Bureau and the Antiquities and Monuments Office will jointly present “Heritage Fiesta December 2011” for the public to enjoy and learn more about the city’s built heritage.

During “Heritage Fiesta December 2011”, members of the public are invited to visit 16 selected historic buildings and to join a conservation laboratory tour at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum on various dates in December.

For details of the International Conference on Heritage Conservation 2011 and “Heritage Fiesta December 2011”, please see the attached e-poster and visit the dedicated website (www.heritageconference2011.hk) or call the Commissioner for Heritage's Office at 2848 6230.

